What is a Casino?

Most people have heard of a Casino, but how many of us know what one is? These places are filled with suckers who spend a lot of money, hoping to hit that elusive big jackpot. The odds of hitting that jackpot are very low (1/987,150,667). Also, you may have noticed that there are pawn shops […]

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Split Pot Poker

In a traditional game of poker, a player places his or her money into the pot on purpose, either by placing an ante or blind bet or by attempting to bluff a friend or foe. Chance is a large factor in poker, as players make decisions based on probability, game theory and psychology. In split […]

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How to Play Online Slots

If you want to play slot games, you should know that playing them is easy. There are only three steps involved in playing slots – pushing the button, betting a certain amount, and waiting for the results. It is important to remember that slot games are designed to win. But there are some games that […]

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How to Make Money in a Casino

There are many ways to make money in a casino. For one thing, the casino has a built-in statistical advantage over its players. The advantage is as low as two percent, but millions of bets on a single game create enough money to sustain the casino’s overhead. That advantage is called the rake or vig […]

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