The Truth About Casino Comps


In a casino, the patrons cannot win more than the casino can afford to lose. Every game offered by the casino has a certain mathematical expectation. Hence, the house edge is a high percentage, so that the casino is likely to make money if the patron plays long enough. The house edge is also higher for big bettors than for small ones, so a bigger better will have higher chances of winning. A casino also offers extravagant inducements to big bettors, such as free drinks and cigarettes.

While the casino industry is booming with new operators and a growing customer base, online casinos are gaining popularity among players. Moreover, more games are being developed by renowned developers. Of course, slots are the most popular games in any casino, as they offer both exciting gameplay and a chance to win big money. Whether you choose to play slots online or in a real casino, you’ll find a game you’ll enjoy.

In 2003, the movie The Cooler introduced the concept of “coolers,” or casino employees who sent their employees to a table to disrupt winning streaks. This theory is absurd, as no one can transfer bad luck to another. It also seems to contradict the concept of casino comps. Comps are rewards given to “good” players based on their length of stay and stakes placed. Nevertheless, it’s nice to know that casino comps are not a scam.