The Basics of Poker



A game of poker is played with chips, which are usually white. Players can be dealt either a single chip, or a variety of chips that are worth different amounts. There are three types of poker chips: red, blue, and white. The white chip is the lowest value. A red chip is worth five whites, while a blue chip is worth two, four, or five reds. Players “buy in” by purchasing chips, usually for the same amount.

The final betting round of a hand determines whether a player has won the pot or not. The round ends when all but one player has folded, and the remaining player collects the pot without revealing their hand. In Omaha, the winning hand is the best five-card combination. In a standard game of poker, there are several betting rounds, but only one player can win the pot. This is known as the showdown. During the showdown phase, the players reveal their hands in clockwise fashion around the table.

In Texas hold’em, each player contributes an ante before the hand is dealt. This gives the pot a value right away, while an all-in bet places all of the player’s chips into the pot. For higher stakes, two separate games may be played. Poker can be played online. Just remember to read the rules before you play! All variations of the game are discussed further in the chapter. If you want to learn more, check out the Poker Strategy section.