The Basics of Poker

The game of Poker is played with five cards. Each player is dealt one card face down. Players can see their hand, but their opponents cannot. If a player does not fold, he will get a replacement. Then, in the final round of betting, each player shows his full hand to the rest of the players. The highest-ranking hand wins the pot. Unlike other card games, however, no two hands have the same rank, making the game highly unpredictable.


Most of the time, poker is played with poker chips. Typically, a game with seven players or more must have them supplied to the players. A white chip is the lowest-valued and is worth one cent. A red chip is worth five cents. Blue chips are worth ten, twenty, or twenty cents. Each player “buys in” by purchasing chips, which usually cost the same amount. The dealer will then deal out the cards to the players.

Poker is played with poker chips. The most common variant of the game is Texas Hold’em. The rules of the game differ from state to state, and players are generally required to purchase poker chips in order to play. The most basic variation of the game is played with twenty-five cards, and the oldest known version was played with only five cards. The number of players and the deck used in each game are based on the amount of players. In the case of games with more than seven players, there are two different versions of poker.