The Game of Poker and Its Variations


In most variations of the game, the players use poker chips. There are two types of chips: blue and red. White chips are the lowest value; blue chips are worth two, four, or five times the white value. Players “buy in” by purchasing chips. Each player buys in for the same amount of chips. Then, each player deals his hand to each other. In the end, he or she may lose all or part of their chips.

The final betting round determines who will remain in the hand. The final hand reaches a showdown when all but one player folds. A player will lose the pot if they fold out of it, or if all but one player has gone all-in. A side pot is created when additional players bet money outside of the main pot. In some variations, more than one player can be in both pots. A player who folds is out of the game, and the remaining players will collect their winnings.

There are also many variations of poker. Before a hand is dealt, each player must contribute an ante. An ante gives the pot value right away, and an all-in bet puts all the player’s chips in the pot. A wet board allows for large number of draws. Several of these games also allow for a two-table game with more than 10 players. If you’re not comfortable playing with strangers, you can learn more about the game of poker and its various variations.